

Welcome to Urban Chooks. We raise and sell heavy breed heritage chickens of the following breeds:

Barred Plymouth Rock
Orpingtons - Blue, Black, Splash, Buff, White, Lavender
Rhode Island Red
Wyandottes - Buff Laced, Silver Laced, Gold Laced
Sussex - Light, Buff, Speckled

We also have:

Depending on the time of year, we sell fertile eggs, one day old unsexed chicks, pullets and point of lay hens.
We also sell Grandpa’s Feeders, Waterers, Grit, Diatomaceous Earth, Crumble and chicken houses and runs.

For further information, we can be contacted via:

Email:    urbanchooks@gmail.com

Phone:   04 477 4411   or   027 477 4403

Shane and Wendy Durrant
Urban Chooks